I propose the implementation of the “Safe City” Program Well + Hatch + Castle
The Safe City program is addressing our common problem – the loss of manhole covers and dangerous open wells, which are still increasing on the streets … The problem of open wells now exists in almost all the republics of the former CIS and our near and far abroad England , Poland, USA, India, Bulgaria, China. The main Organizations, Companies, Households of cities using wells in their work are the Departments of Housing and Communal Services of Regions, cities and directly housing and communal services enterprises – water utilities and heating networks of cities. Gazprom enterprises. Also, Telecommunication Enterprises – Telecom, Internet providers, etc …
Expenses for frequent purchases of new materials and components (hatches, cables, valves), for the correct and high-quality work of housing and communal services, Telecom, Internet, which now very often disappear, are big losses.
After the installation of special locks on manhole hatches, first of all, the economic problems of Cities are solved – manhole covers, which are expensive, cable and wire and utility products under them, will no longer disappear.
And most importantly, the number of injuries among people and car accidents will decrease.
Safe City Program