We’re TEHNOTABLE , and we have been producing workstations with electronic height adjustment since 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. We create a new workspace standard. Furniture that takes care of you while you work or study. Our main goal is to increase the level of activity and health of people who stay behind the monitor screens for 4 or more hours a day. Health is an integral indicator of the development of society (WHO). For us, the first thing is how the person who uses our products feels, how the quality of his life, productivity changes. For 3 years we have been actively working with doctors (vertebrologist, reproductologist, phlebologist, orthopedist, neurologist) in order to study the problem and understand the effectiveness of solutions.We are planning to create a workstation, which has no analogues in the world, as well as to solve the issue of a station for children with clubfoot, today there are no ready-made solutions in this direction.