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FieldBI electronic land manager is a system for accounting, visualization, analysis and effective management of agricultural lands of small farms and large agricultural companies.
FieldBI is a complex analytical system for managing the land bank of agricultural enterprises, which involves automatic processing of large volumes of data (Big Data) and data analysis using AI technologies. It also includes an agronomic module that allows you to comprehensively manage an agribusiness from planning crops to harvesting. The functionality of the system allows you to effectively manage all key processes: land plots, relations with counterparties, monitoring the validity of lease contracts, increasing the company’s land bank, reducing the risks of losing the land bank, analyzing the chessboard of the field for efficient use of land, planning technological field maps, controlling agricultural operations by field etc.
The FieldBI model is SaaS (Software as a Service), the system is hosted in AWS, which provides a high level of data security; available full rest API; mobile apps for iOS and Android.