
Competition for the selection of the location of the innovation park CreaInnovations Valley

Organizer: Ukrainian Startup Association.
The competition provides a unique opportunity to become part of the innovative development of the region, attract new investments and create favorable conditions for business and technology development.

Objective of the Contest:

The purpose of the competition is to select a territorial community, a university or an already existing industrial or scientific park in the Kyiv region, which owns/uses (or manages) a suitable territory for the physical location of the CreaInnovations Valley innovation park.
The association cooperates with more than 50 innovative SMEs – potential participants of the project and is ready to attract more than $250 million of investments from Ukrainian and international partners. The association is supported by the Ministry of Economy, which included our project in the Investment Guide, specially prepared for the Ukrainian Recovery Conference in Berlin in June 2024.
We are creating an innovation park that should become a leading innovation hub in Eastern Europe that will be able to compete at the global level, supporting the development of startups and technology companies.
CreaInnovations Valley — unites leading clusters and enterprises in the field of technology, biotechnology, engineering, creative industries and processing industry on the basis of smart specialization and innovation.
The park is being created to support startups and enterprises by providing them with modern infrastructure, including technological laboratories, incubators, co-working spaces and educational centers. CreaInnovations Valley promotes the development of innovations through close cooperation with universities, international partners and investors. Its goal is to create an ecosystem that stimulates entrepreneurship, technological innovation and international cooperation, bringing Ukraine closer to the status of a European innovation center.

Target audience:

  • Territorial communities of Kyiv region
  • Universities of Kyiv region
  • Already existing industrial and scientific parks of the Kyiv region

Requirements for participants:


  • Minimum area: 10 hectares (possibility of expansion to 100 hectares would be an advantage)
  • Availability of land for development.
  • Absence of legal obstacles to the use of the territory.


  • Availability of connections to electricity networks, water supply and drainage.
  • Access to the Internet and communication networks.
  • Availability of transport connections (roads, public transport, airport).


  • Possibility of involving local authorities in supporting the project.
  • Availability of programs to support startups and innovations.
  • Willingness to cooperate with foreign investors and partners.

Benefits for the winner:

  • Creating jobs for local residents and students.
  • Tax revenues from registered innovative enterprises.
  • International recognition and development of the local economy.
  • Attracting investments to the region and creating a favorable business climate.
  • Development of an innovative ecosystem that promotes the emergence of new startups and technological solutions.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the region, which opens up new opportunities for cooperation with international companies.
  • Long-term profitability of the park as a business entity thanks to the rental of premises, provision of consulting and service services for park residents.
  • Expansion of the network of partnerships with other innovation hubs and business incubators in Ukraine and abroad.

Stages of the competition:

Submission of applications

  • Applications will be accepted from September 16, 2024 to October 15, 2024.
  • Applications are submitted online through a Google form using the link specified in the competition conditions: /N6ZS8PJVVrTCQFy46.

Evaluation of applications

  • The evaluation of applications is carried out by the Commission of representatives of the Ukrainian Association of Startups and independent experts according to the following criteria: territory, infrastructure, support.

Choosing the winner

  • The results of the competition to determine the winner will be announced on the official website of the Ukrainian Association of Startups October 25, 2024.

Application submission:

Applications must contain:

  • Description of the territory with photos and maps. (A screenshot of a Google map or cadastre with the location and approximate boundaries of the territory)
  • Description of the existing infrastructure.
  • Confirmation of support of local authorities.
  • Plans for the development of the territory and cooperation with investors.

Contact information:

For additional information and applications, please contact: [email protected]  tel. +380969452967 contact person Maria Kucheruk, project manager.

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